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I am an odd number. Take away one letter and now I am even. What number am I? Seven.

What has hands but doesn’t clap? A clock.

Who says riddles are only for grown-ups? This book is perfect for those wonderfully inquisitive kids who enjoy putting their minds to work.

Read these out loud for everyone to join in, or silently figure them out on your own for a great time for the entire family! Children can exercise their brain and have fun at the same time. Who knows, you might even laugh out loud a little!

Just remember: when things go wrong, you can always count on your fingers!

Best Riddles Ever: Jokes for Kids


    Dear Visitor. I hope you are doing well.

    After a long time of thinking about it, I have decided that I need to step back from focusing on sales of books and my business. 


    Our family is growing with a +1 and I have had to prioritise my time differently. 

    This was not an easy decision, because my business is so dear to me and I really do enjoy it. 

    My hope is, when my children are a bit older, I can bring back my focus on the business, if it is God's will. 

    Wishing you all the best and looking forward to maybe serving you again in the future. 

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