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Joshua - Job

Tricky Times picks up where the first Patrick Wigglesworth’s Bizarre Bible Adventure book, Over My Head, left off. Patrick is now in fifth grade and at a brand new school. He and his best friends are confronted by a new crop of cool kids. These kids have moved up from Silicon Valley, CA, and are threatening to do away with the Gasket way of life. Patrick, wading into politics for the first time, decides to run for student council president in order to thwart the school takeover. Things don’t turn out at all the way he planned in his fifth-grade political career.

Patrick Wigglesworth's Bizarre Bible Adventure #2 - Tricky Times


    Dear Visitor. I hope you are doing well.

    After a long time of thinking about it, I have decided that I need to step back from focusing on sales of books and my business. 


    Our family is growing with a +1 and I have had to prioritise my time differently. 

    This was not an easy decision, because my business is so dear to me and I really do enjoy it. 

    My hope is, when my children are a bit older, I can bring back my focus on the business, if it is God's will. 

    Wishing you all the best and looking forward to maybe serving you again in the future. 

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